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Organic Virgin Oil De Coco-Crème® ORGANIC PRODUCT DATA SHEET™

Trade Names: Virgin Oil De Coco-Creme®, Organic virgin oil de coco-creme®
INCI: Cocos nuciferas
Ingredients: 100% pure virgin coconut oil
Country of Origin: Thailand, re-packaged in Canada
Organic Label: 100% organic, or organic (COR)
Application: health food and nutrition, nutraceutical, bio-pharmaceutical, cosmetic & personal care

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Organic Virgin Oil de Coco-Creme® is a fresh, clear, coconut oil extracted from fresh coconut milk through the process of modern coconut wet-process and purified by cold centrifuge series™. It has mild, sweet coconut flavour and aroma, colorless in liquid state and immaculate white when solid. No chemicals nor high temperature are used in any stage of the process. Significant features include biologically pure, optimum distribution of medium chain fatty acids (MCFA), traces of favorable ketones, and excellent atability.

Parameters Typical Value/s Methods of Analysis
% FFA (as lauric acid): < 0.1% AOAC 940.28
Iodine Value: 4-6.5 AOCS.6-12
Peroxide value 0.07 AOAC965.33
Melting Point/slip Point: 22-260C Internal
% Moisture and Impurities: 0.5 max AOAC 926.08925.10
Specific Gravity @RT: 0.918 Ave. AOCS.CC10a-25
Color 5-1/4 Lovibond cell; yellow 1 maximum  
Total Plate Count <10 g CFU AOAC
Pathogens ND AOAC
Yeast and Molds ND AOAC
Organoleptic; flavour/odour satisfactory internal
Approximate shelf-life 36 months* Conventional/AOS

Fatty Acid Typical % Value
C8 9.07 Saturated 94.52
C10 6.37 Monounsaturated 4.67
C12 48.62 Polyunsaturated 0.81
C14 19.53    
C15 Traces Omega n-6 0.81
C16 7.83 Omega n-3 0.00
C18:0 3.01    
C18:1 4.67    
C18:2N6 0.81    
C20 0.08    

*ideal to use on or before 36 months; expected shelf-life of 60 months -at the time of drumming.

The above data/information were gathered from several tests and observations conducted by a third party laboratory upon request by Quality First International Inc. and therefore valid without signature. It is offered for evaluation and verification only.

Organic certifier: PRO-CERT Canada
Organic Compliance: NOP-USDA, COR, EU, JAS (in-progress)
Organic Labeling: 100% organic( NOP-USDA, EU, others), organic for COR
Organic Component: single substance of raw-pure organic virgin coconut oil

Common Botanical Name: See INCI Name
Cultivation: From Non-GMO single cultivar, pesticide free
Part of Plant Material use: Raw-pure coconut cream from medium age white kernel
Manufacturing Assurance: GMP, HACCP, COA, Organic Compliance Program, TQA
Consumer Packaging sizes: 3.5 oz glass jar, 15-oz glass jar, 30-oz, glass jar,
Institutional sizes: 64oz tub, 128oz US gallon pail, 640oz (17.2kg) 5 gallon pail
Bulk/Industrial size: 180-kg drum (55-gallon volume)