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B2B Wholesale – Retailer

We welcome retail outlets and professionals to carry Virgin oil de Coco-Crème® for consumers and individual users.

Our Virgin Oil de Coco-Crème® was the first virgin coconut oil on the market and it is still without equal! We combine the best technology with our deliberate practices in processing, compliance, and ethical trade. Our objective is to produce a clean superior pure virgin coconut oil that people will genuinely enjoy and feel confident in while using. Coconut oil has incredible healing effects; if you already carry this product, then you are already experiencing these benefits. If you have not yet promoted coconut oil, learn about all of the benefits (see Know the advantages of virgin oil de coco-crème®)

Packaging and Availability

3.5 oz glass jar,
case of 12
15-oz glass jar,
case of 12
30-oz glass jar,
case of 6


64-oz HDPE plastic
tub, case of 6
128oz HDPE plastic
tub, case of 4
640oz HDPE
plastic container


We offer free shipping for qualified retail outlet. Please send us an Application Form either by e-mail or by fax.

If you want to explore the possibility of retailing or distributing virgin oil de coco-crème® in your product line, SEE Distributor’s and Retailer’s Guideline